Questions for analyzing drama

Questions for analyzing drama


  • How does the plot (the sequence of happenings) unfold? Does it seem plausible? If not, is the implausibility a fault? If there is more than one plot, are the plots parallel, or are they related by way of contrast?
  • Are certain happenings recurrent? If so, how are they significant?
  • What kinds of conflict are in the play—for instance, between two groups, two individuals, or two aspects of a single individual? How are the conflicts resolved? Is the resolution satisfying to you?
  • How does the author develop the characters? How trustworthy are the characters when they describe themselves or others? Do some characters serve as foils, or contrasts, for other characters, thus helping to define the other characters? Do the characters change as the play proceeds? Are the characters’ motivations convincing?
  • What do the author’s stage directions add to your understanding and appreciation of the play? If there are few stage directions, what do the speeches imply about the characters’ manner, tone, and gestures?
  • What do you make of the setting, or location? Does it help to reveal character or theme?
  • Do certain costumes (dark suits, flowery shawls, stiff collars) or properties (books, pictures, candlesticks) strike you as symbolic?

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